Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's ok to change life goals.

A change in life plans...

I'm not as sure of where I am going in life as I used to be. I used to have a very sketchy plan of how to live life as an artist. With the very secret plan that i would become known enough not to have to move my own works of art, push for sales, or worry about paying rent. Part of that dream included being known a little bit.  people would want to talk to me at parties. I'd have to choose between what parties i went to. folks would stop by the house to chat. I'd get a gallery in NYC if it killed me.  Every little scrap of paper i scribbled on would be precious. Except... I don't really like going to a lot of parties. I like to be in bed by 11. I really like Philadelphia.... And the art world has changed so much does NYC matter all that much?

I've become even more lazy. I don't have to fight for time in my studio anymore. Whether with a loved one or with splitting studio time with work. Or maybe what I have been doing in my studio isn't very exciting. I don't need gobs of people praising my work. But what am i working towards? Another show at Rodger's? and don't get me wrong I am very grateful for those opportunities. But I do a show that i think is very thrilling and it's a tiny blip on the radar. Do i need to change people's lives and have them talk about my work?  

I was paper-making the other day and i fell in love with doing a processes. that rhythm you need to gain to make it work and the all most mindlessness combined with problem solving aspects of it. Maybe I need to do more print making.

I better figure it out quick. What ever it is. I have a show in June.