Monday, June 17, 2013

The Least Fun Part of Being an Artist

The least fun part of being an artist: self promotion. 
here's a pic of a painting to look at so you don't hate me too much for selflessly promoting my self. 

Here is the talk i did June 9th

I ramble about my art for about 30 Minutes. also, the content is mature in an art kinda way, so if you work at a really conservative job you may want to wait til you get home to watch.
if, like me you are ADD make sure you have a drink or popcorn. sit back, text, tweet and relax.
here are some skip ahead points if you are interested only in certain items.
-The longest slide is 70 seconds long. i added more images then the original talk.
- the first 11 Min are about my early life. sexual adolescences and where i come from
- 1:09.33 there are drawings i did of the opening and the artist talk.
- 11:16.70 post high school i go over my college years
- 12:05.80 Influences
-- 13:08.53 Pafa and i give up on being IN love
- 14:47.63 2005 Buy House, Father Dies, Graduate PAFA, Get Married
- 16:46.70 2006 Start showing at Rodger's and i start talking about my paintings at this point
- 27:28.43 The Secret Lives of Humans - i talk about the current show and some of the works in it.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Monday, June 10, 2013

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lil Sneak Peak

Wow! it's almost show time.
I'm not going to apologize for ignoring my blog to get my show done. nope won't do it. i'm planing on taking the heart on my sleeve and sticking it on the blog soon. it's gonna be messy. in the mean time. SNEAK PEAK!!!!

Paul's Beautiful Man

Accepting Punishment
