Monday, June 17, 2013

The Least Fun Part of Being an Artist

The least fun part of being an artist: self promotion. 
here's a pic of a painting to look at so you don't hate me too much for selflessly promoting my self. 

Here is the talk i did June 9th

I ramble about my art for about 30 Minutes. also, the content is mature in an art kinda way, so if you work at a really conservative job you may want to wait til you get home to watch.
if, like me you are ADD make sure you have a drink or popcorn. sit back, text, tweet and relax.
here are some skip ahead points if you are interested only in certain items.
-The longest slide is 70 seconds long. i added more images then the original talk.
- the first 11 Min are about my early life. sexual adolescences and where i come from
- 1:09.33 there are drawings i did of the opening and the artist talk.
- 11:16.70 post high school i go over my college years
- 12:05.80 Influences
-- 13:08.53 Pafa and i give up on being IN love
- 14:47.63 2005 Buy House, Father Dies, Graduate PAFA, Get Married
- 16:46.70 2006 Start showing at Rodger's and i start talking about my paintings at this point
- 27:28.43 The Secret Lives of Humans - i talk about the current show and some of the works in it.

1 comment:

  1. You could just talk and not paint, and you'd still be very compelling. I'm glad I listened.

